Monday, December 14, 2009

The Winter of My Discontent

It’s the same every year, every year it’s the same…to paraphrase rapper Too $hort. The forces are identical as in the past: the grinding financial pressure that isn’t really related to purchasing holiday presents but still reveals itself at just this time in the year; the growing, often illogical resentment I feel at people around me, and the equally illogical solutions I seek to quell these burgeoning pressures and feelings, which, of course, only exacerbate them in the end.

And it’s very strange, because I like Santa, Jesus, Christmas trees, decorations and lights. I was raised Catholic, and though I have my serious doubts about eternal salvation I do feel strongly that this season is supposed to evoke those good values that Christianity purports to champion. I see glimmers at times, short bursts of clarity which warm me. But generally speaking, this is a month of tribulation that can’t end soon enough.

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