Saturday, May 16, 2020

Another Triumphant Return

In the words of Frank Zappa’s Central Scrutinizer: “Hey, its me…again.” The COVID-19 pandemic has given me some unasked for but valuable time to think and suddenly my mind came back to this project and you, my avid reading public. (All five of you.)

The truth is I need the outlet and it’s irrelevant who reads this. Somehow, by publishing it to the universe, no matter how buried it may be, I believe I will achieve some measure of satisfaction. And as I move on in life, it’s the little victories that I hope for.

I removed a couple sections herein, which I was dissatisfied with. But essentially the blog goes on, maintaining continuity with the prior format.

I’m really looking forward to the future, and presenting a robust offering of the kind of material that has made this so much fun in the past.

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