Sunday, September 6, 2009

The Happy Hedonist

In the movie Let it Ride, Richard Dreyfuss, portraying the compulsive horseplayer “Trotter” repeatedly exhorts, “I’m having a very good day.” That’s how I’m feeling about my weekend. I’m walking tall, riding high. Allow me to share with you my tale of good living.

On Friday night, I traveled to Sausalito to the home of good friend and comrade Doctor Loud. He had his two great kids for the weekend, so I joined the trio and we set off for a very pleasant evening. We started out cruising the tail end of a small famers market downtown, the good Doctor picking up some odds and ends, including some spectacular peaches and raspberries. We then walked the waterfront until dusk, the kids playing on the rocks, searching successfully for crabs and other sea life. From there, we went to Mollie Stones, where we picked up some fresh Coho Salmon, New York Strips and Stolichnaya, among other things. The night was filled with Martinis, a nice Bordeaux, good conversation and a dinner of the aforementioned meat and seafood paired with glazed carrots and zucchini. The carrots were so sweet and caramelized they would have made a delicious dessert, but were even better suited for a coupling with delicious savories.

The next morning I awoke to the sounds of the Doctor busy again in the kitchen, this time preparing a breakfast of delectable peach pancakes, spicy Italian sausages, cappuccinos, screwdrivers and carrot juice - for the eyesight, he informed me. We lounged over our breakfast, the time passing languidly, my slight hangover gradually being cured.

At about eleven, I departed for the City. By twelve-fifteen, I was sitting outside at Pier 23 with my cousin Lila enjoying our annual tradition of cheeseburgers and sparkling wine. Pier 23 has really stepped up its food, and the Gloria Ferrer went perfectly with the burgers, as always. They also serve a very interesting potato salad which I enjoyed, filled with onions and almost pureed in texture.

Liia and I went back to her place to have a beer and catch up on the day’s college football action. Regrettably, the Nevada Wolfpack did not come to challenge Notre Dame and the contest was a one sided blowout for the Irish. We also watched a bit of the US Open men’s action, with Andy Roddick losing surprisingly and disappointingly to American Josh Isner in an exciting five set match. After his performance at Wimbledon this past year, I had hoped for Roddick to make a real run at the Open.

After a while, I left Lila’s and went over to my brother’s pad in the Richmond District. We chilled out for a while, ultimately hooking up with his buddies Jim and Mark. The three of us went out for pizza and beer at the Village Pizzeria on Clement Street, where the food was average but the pitchers went down smooth. Afterwards, we tried to get in to see the movie District 9, but were thwarted at the box office, being informed that the show was sold out. The attendant, seeing my initial disappointment, tried malevolently to rub it in, saying with the slightest smile on his face, “kinda ruins your plans, doesn’t it?” But it was like water off a duck's back, as the four of us then proceeded down to Harry’s bar, where there’s always a gaggle of hot young chicks to leer at. We finished the night over at my bro’s just hanging out, drinking Pilsner Urquell and enjoying each other’s company.

Up and at ‘em at 9:00, I left the comfort of brother’s couch and proceeded downtown to the sumptuous Big Four Restaurant at the Huntington Hotel, where I was supposed to meet my buddy Daren. A breakfast of orange juice, bloody Marys, coffee, fresh fruit, salad and huevos rancheros gave me the base to tackle another beautiful day. The only pity is that Daren, who I am now informed partied until 6:00 this morning, was unable to attend this first rate meal.

Tonight, its off to Rick’s place, where a group of us will celebrate the fortuitous anniversary of his birth with dinner at Espetus churrascaria, a renowned Brazilian bastion of meat, where the flesh only stops coming when you tell them so. I am also informed and believe that Rick will be bringing a 1996 Burgundy as well as his prized magnum of Dunn Vineyards for our consumption. How could we go wrong?

And as if that’s not enough, tomorrow it’s up to the parent’s house where we will possibly be picnicking at a Sonoma County winery or some other choice spot.

So why the litany of my life? Why the recitation of events? It’s simple. Because this, for me, is what it is all about. This is the jackpot, the cosmic payoff for all the choices I have made in the past which afford me the freedom to live this way. Certainly, these choices have led to a number of difficulties and roadblocks as well, and I, like any other sane person, often wonder if I would change my decisions if I could get into the way back machine and do so. And I am reminded of and will close with the lyrics from the song Dear Mr. Fantasy by Traffic:

"…please don’t be sad, if it was a straight mind you had, we wouldn’t have known you all these years…"

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