Friday, September 18, 2009

Tired, Baby

I’m feeling really low on energy today and it’s affecting my thinking. Stopped in to the local card room and bought in for two fifty at the 50-500 no limit Texas Hold ‘Em game. Didn’t play a hand for about twenty minutes; then, I was holding pocket queens. I raised to 25, was reraised to 50 with one caller and went all in for the rest. One guy matched me. He held K-Q suited – I was a gigantic favorite. Unluckily, a king flopped and I lost the hand. This sent me on a tailspin and I lost another 250 in the next half hour. Brutal - dropped five hundred in fifty minutes.

I’m ready to go home and get some sleep. It’s been a long and arduous week on so many different levels. In the words of Carlito Brigante, “Last call for drinks.”

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