Thursday, September 24, 2009

It's All Addiction

The first and the essential addictions: sunlight, water, chlorophyl, air, the attraction of molecules, sleep, food, sex, shelter...

Time passes. Evolution asserts its sometimes glacial, sometimes dramatic effect. We begin to beat nature. Sex is no longer necessary solely to create progeny. Genesis: "be fruitful and multiply...and fill the earth and subdue it." It has been achieved. The minute we had time to spare beyond eating, drinking, fucking and sleeping we had to find something to do. The overwhelming excess energy, which grew and grew as we surpassed our animal needs had to find a place to call home.

Politics, the wars of nation states, religion, philosophy, deviance, addiction...

Too much leisure time. My energy drives my addiction. I wish I was creating art, music, beauty, aesthetic. I'm glad I'm not personally creating war or violence, at least not directly. Hopefully, this force will continue to evolve - and though we have questions about its ultimate destination - it will lead us to a place that we cannot know but where our energy finds its destiny.

Written by Dr. Loud, Freddy and The Functioning Addict.

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