Monday, November 30, 2009

Back at the Helm

Well, I’m back after coming off a brutal bender that began Wednesday and continued almost uninterrupted through last night. There was much celebration and indulgence this Thanksgiving holiday, an excellent cocktail party in Sacramento on Friday and the 49er tailgate and game yesterday turned into a long night out on the town afterwards. The result: my mind feels mushy and dull and my body dog tired. It might take a few days to fully recover.

Now that my favorite holiday has passed, we enter the bitter month of December. I don’t dislike Christmas, but I loathe the days and weeks running up to it. Every year, my indulgence goes way overboard as the month degenerates into a long booze-soaked haze of holiday parties filled with banal small talk and finger foods. The prospect is a little bit daunting, I must admit.

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