Monday, November 9, 2009

Elephant Conquers Heroin Addiction

Okay, so this story is a year old but I still thought it too interesting not to post here. I found it on Digital Spy. The author is Simon Reynolds:

October 23, 2008

An elephant in China has overcome an addiction to heroin but will not be allowed back into the wild.

Four-year-old Xiguang spent three years in rehab on the island of Hainan, where he was given regular doses of methodone to beat an addiction from bananas spiked with drugs by animal smugglers.

Pan Hua, deputy manager of the island where the animal was treated, said: "Three years of domestic life and a huge amount of rehabilitation medication has changed the physical situations, odours and habits of Xiguang."

As a result of the medication, the elephant will not be allowed to head back into the wild as it will be vulnerable to attacks from other animals.

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